How to Add Links on Your NetSuite Forms in Your File Cabinet

Most, if not all companies, have a travel and reimbursement policy that they require their employees to follow. However, employees often lose or misplace these policies, causing lost time either reviewing and rejecting transactions that do not conform to policy or by employees needing to search for them.

how to add links to NetSuite Forms

The great news is that NetSuite allows users to embed hyperlinks in forms to facilitate a quick and easy reference point right on the Expense Report form, so there is never a question of what the policy is or where it can be found, thereby alleviating the stress of ensuring policies will be followed and understood. You simply need to save the policy documentation in your NetSuite File Cabinet, which will then allow for custom fields on your reports. If you’d like to take advantage of this functionality, simply navigate to the document in your file cabinet, copy the URL, and then follow the few short steps below to create the field and add it to your Expense Report form.

Step 1: Create a Custom Transaction Body Field for to the Expense Report Form.

  1. Navigate to Customize>Lists, Records, & Fields>Transaction Body Fields>New
  2. Label = Travel & Reimbursement Policy
  3. Type = Hyperlink
  4. Applies To = Expense Report
  5. Display > Subtab = Main
  6. Validation & Defaulting > Default Value = paste the copied URL from the file cabinet
  7. Make sure to save and apply to any Expense Report forms you may use in your system.

Step 2: Customize the Expense Report Form to display the field.

  1. Navigate to Customize>Forms>Transaction forms
  2. Either select your current form or choose customize next to the standard NetSuite expense report form
  3. Navigate to the Screen Fields subtab and find the new field you created and select the Primary Information selection under “Field Group”. This will allow the hyperlink to display on the header portion of the expense report form for easy view.
  4. Save the form

Step 3: View your new hyperlink on your Expense Report and start using the form

  1. Navigate to the expense report form = Transactions>Employees>Enter Expense Reports
  2. View the placement of the new field and if you’re satisfied with it, you may begin using the form as normal. If not, return to the Customize Form and relocate as desired by dragging and dropping it in the same field type to add links to NetSuite Forms

If you’d like to learn more about NetSuite, please contact us at any time! You can also learn about more great tips for NetSuite on our YouTube playlist or our other blog posts.

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