How to Fix a Slow Dynamics GP Home Page at Login

You may find times that the Dynamics GP Home Page takes a significant amount of time to load. When you launch the Dynamics GP application, it needs to gather data from certain places. It reads your Dynamics.set file and attempts to find and connect to each dictionary listed there. If those are stored remotely it can take time to find them and process. If that’s the case you can move them locally to test. It also polls Windows to see what default printer it should contact and adopt as its own. It will also read the Dex.ini to learn what paths you have specific for things like the OLE Notes and will ensure it can reach those. Finally, during launch there is a small internet connection test to validate certain environmental settings. If you have no internet connectivity, it will take a while before it times out and allows you to proceed with login. Anti–virus scanning can slow it down during the login phase.

What you need to be careful with (and what the logs will show) is lots of reports and items loading to the home page, could cause the problem. Looking  in your log you may see it is hitting the company db and PM tables, SOP tables, some reports this user is running , Smartlist, etc. Any of those on the home page could be causing this issue. Try logging into GP with the GP user ID right at the server to rule out connection issues. Also try the “sa” User ID. Another possible test is to create a new user with nothing on home page and see how it works to rule it out.

Otherwise here are a few items to look at to see if they help. These could be independently successful or by combining them together could result in success.

Where are your forms and reports stored, can you change that to local drive to see if it makes a difference?

What do the users have loaded on the home page? For “sa,” remove and clean it up and then see if it helps your issue with a new log.

The following whitepaper describes common issues and resolutions as well as the types of tools and troubleshooting tactics that can be used to address performance problems.

Have any questions? Please contact one of our Sikich experts at any time.

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