Modern ERP or CRM Implementation Strategies for Distribution Companies

6 Signs Your Distribution Organization Needs To Implement New ERP or CRM

After years of working with the same technology stack, distribution organizations often start to notice business issues such as:

1. Lack of supply chain visibility
2. The inability to scale or expand to new markets with current tech stack
3. The inability to keep up with fluctuating demand
4. Lack of advanced warehousing & inventory management automation
5. Meeting marketplace requirements (w/ Amazon, Walmart, Wayfair, Kohl’s, etc.)
6. Managing supplier/vendor relationships

Those business issues typically stem a realization that it’s time to implement new technology.

A Modern ERP or CRM Implementation Strategy

Once you’ve decided that your technology should be working with you, not against you, and that your organization should implement a new, modern cloud ERP or CRM solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365, the next step is to deploy disruption-proof technology, quickly. You need to be certain that you have the tools and people who know your distribution business in place before executing a major technology deployment.

HEADSTART for Distributors

HEADSTART for Distributors is a methodology the technology practice at Sikich developed to accelerate the speed of ERP and CRM implementations for Microsoft Dynamics 365. HEADSTART is a bundle of best-in-class industry applications, assets, and tools combined with a modern, agile delivery method. Rather than starting from a blank slate, we offer a preconfigured industry solution, based on best practices, that supports core processes of sales and order management, vendor management, warehousing, logistics, and finances.

HEADSTART maximizes your investment, reduces project duration and cost, and lets you focus on operational excellence through enhanced visibility and insights, streamlined process flow, and enhanced decision support.

In this video, we explain how HEADSTART helps your distribution organization reap the benefits of a cloud ERP or CRM implementation like Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) as quickly as possible, all while avoiding common pitfalls like disruption, budget, and schedule overruns.


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