Today’s Empowered EDO, Tomorrow’s Thriving Community and Infographic

Economic development organizations (EDO) fulfill an increasingly critical mission to drive the economic wellbeing of businesses, organizations, and communities. To help EDOs achieve their goals sooner and more easily, Sikich delivers Cloud Nine Economic DevelopmentTM for Dynamics 365 CRM, a powerful solution that can replace legacy and generic software tools and enable EDO team members to be effective anytime and anywhere as they serve constituents.

Check out this infographic to see the top 12 benefits of EDOs adopting the Sikich EDO CRM solution.

EDO CRM solution infographic

Understanding the Sikich Economic Development Accelerator

  • Delivers complete, EDO-ready functionality on a foundation of Microsoft Dynamics Power Platform technology
  • Reflects roles and operating conditions in practically any state, local, and municipal government EDO as well as chambers, standalone organizations, and less structured EDO teams
  • Integrates with Microsoft Outlook and other apps in a consistent, intuitive user environment
  • For government clients, can take advantage of the advanced security and data protection capabilities of the Microsoft Azure government cloud
  • Can easily be enhanced with analytics, automations, workflows, dashboards, and custom functionality, using Microsoft cloud resources

What changes for EDOs adopting the Sikich EDO solution?

  • Makes EDO team members lives easier and saves time by making all information available and discoverable in a single repository
  • Enables continuous, lifetime engagements with individual stakeholders, businesses, organizations, and communities
  • Streamlines the delivery and drives adoption of EDO programs, incentives, and services
  • Allows EDOs to expand their reach, connect with constituents previously unaware of their services, and make proactive recommendations
  • Ensures the efficient continuity of communications and engagements as staff, stakeholders, businesses, and organizations change
  • Fuels outcome-driven, transparent management of sites, leases, and development projects
  • Offers full visibility of constituents’ engagements and their use of EDO services and resources
  • Provides mobile, cloud-based, anytime access to solution capabilities to enable EDO staff to be productive anywhere
  • Helps businesses and communities connect with and learn about their EDO and its offerings
  • Simplifies BRE surveys as well as compliant financial, progress, and other reporting to demonstrate accountability and share the outcomes of EDO programs and services
  • Tracks opportunities, cases, and donation or investment commitments from inception to successful conclusion
  • Supports productive collaborations with community partners, service providers, and vendors

Why your EDO should partner with Sikich

  • Successful record of providing solutions and expertise to help EDOs thrive and transform
  • Unwavering commitment and practical vision for using technology to fuel EDO success
  • Collaborative, client-focused practice that uncovers and addresses the challenges and opportunities of individual EDOs
  • Proven, efficient approach to delivering low-risk, nondisruptive software projects with a short time to benefit
  • Unified team to deliver solution implementations, integrations, enhancements, training, support, and ongoing consulting services
“The Sikich team really gets what we’re doing. They are great in terms of creativity. They’ve really done a great job using their knowledge and their many, many years of experience to create a
powerful solution for us.”– Casey Smith, Strategic Planning Manager,
Economic Development Department, City of Austin

Take the next step

To get your questions answered or go ahead with an EDO CRM solution deployment, you can:

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