#MeToo Movement: Changes on the Horizon for State Mandated Training

As the #MeToo movement gains more attention and sheds light on crimes of sexual harassment, many states and local jurisdictions have increased their sexual harassment prevention efforts and employee training. Efforts have included:

  • Training requirements
  • Required content
  • Who must attend the training
  • Record keeping
  • Training frequency

States Requiring Sexual Harassment Training

Several states and local jurisdictions are considering adding or expanding their training requirements in 2019. The State of Illinois has recently added their name to the list of states seeking to make a change.

States and regions that currently require training include California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, New York State, and New York City.

Sexual Harassment Training in Illinois

On Thursday, April 11, 2019, the Illinois Senate unanimously passed what Lexology is calling an all-encompassing sexual harassment bill, which hits all the big-ticket workplace sexual harassment topics, including imposing sexual harassment training and extensive reporting requirements, bans on non-disclosure agreements, arbitration clauses and non-disparagement clauses, as well as hefty penalties for non-compliance. Whether the House will now move forward with the bill is unsure.

You May Require Mandated Training

Review your laws carefully to determine whether your state requires training. Even if your company isn’t subject to a requirement now, it could be soon. Providing sexual harassment training is a best practice even if you aren’t required to do so. Read the free article we previously released that provides some tips on taking steps to making changes in the workplace due to the #MeToo Movement.

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