Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Manufacturers

We all see how technology continues to progress at a rapid rate. We even see its benefits. And while we want our company to take advantage of those benefits, we can also feel a bit overwhelmed.

Think about buying a new television. Maybe you’re excited to upgrade.

You get a great deal on a massive Smart TV at the store. This is new technology that’s about to benefit your life, right? Now you can find everything that you want to watch, and you can see it on a screen that’s much bigger and clearer!

As exciting as that is, however, implementing it can be overwhelming. Maybe you struggle to

  • Fit it in your SUV so that you can drive it home;
  • Figure out how to mount it on your wall;
  • Find the right TV settings; or
  • Learn how to use the new remote.

A new TV is great once it’s home, mounted, and set up. But the process of getting it there can feel like a bit much.

In the same way, implementing new technology in your business can be a bit stressful.

What do you do? Where do you begin?

Well, you start with ERP!

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is technology for your business. It’s the digital platform that helps you manage all the different parts of your company. With ERP, you can run things in a more simple and streamlined way. It not only controls multiple tools across all aspects of your business, it also connects them. It’s the flow between all business functions.

When it comes to ERP, there are multiple options out there, but we have one that we’d like to recommend.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an effective Enterprise Resource Planning system for manufacturers.

It’s great for things like tracking supplies and raw materials, supply chain, inventory and warehouse management, financials, customer relationships, vendors, purchase orders, just to name a few! It maximizes efficiency and gets all the essential things in one place.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an important platform leveraged by companies like:

Getting The Most Out Of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Sikich has invested thousands of hours and utilized countless number of manufacturing experts to create a working model of Microsoft Dynamics 365 that’s ready to be used immediately! It’s called HEADSTART.

For equipment manufacturers that are ready to put technology to work for their business, it’s like HEADSTART delivers the TV, mounts in on your wall, adjusts the settings, and shows you how to use the remote!

Here are just a few of the HEADSTART benefits…

  • More speed to the bottom line.
  • Less implementation cost.
  • Quicker comprehension and application.
  • Higher functionality and flexibility.
  • More consistent, reliable, repeatable, and predictable success.
  • Happier clients and working teams.

With HEADSTART, you can both reap the benefits of technology and avoid its disruptions at the same time!

Think about getting a head start in a race. You’re already closer to the finish line before the other person even starts running.

With nearly 2,000 pre-set parameters, HEADSTART gets you a long way down the field technologically!

What if you could reap the benefits of technology without feeling overwhelmed? Click here to schedule a call and get a head start!

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