Microsoft Dynamics 365 Tip of the Week: How to Set Dynamics 365 Change-Based Alerts

In order to keep your team informed and up-to-date on any major changes to the data within the Dynamics 365 system, you can create a change-based alert for your team. It’s easy to do, and all it takes is creating (or managing) alert rules within the system.

Creating Dynamics 365 Changed-Based Alerts

For this particular scenario, we will create an alert on the Customer Group Field of the Customer Master. By doing so, if anyone changes the data in this particular field, we will receive a notification immediately. We can even review the change if necessary. We’d want to know if someone changes the Customer Group Field, because any changes can affect the terms of payment, pricing, and reporting.

First, navigate to the All Customers Form to begin creating the alert. From the Action Pane, click on the options button (it will look like an ellipsis, …). Right away you should see the option in the new Menu Bar to “Create alert rule” or “Manage my alerts.”

At this time, we’re going to make a new rule, so click on “Create alert rule.” A window will slide open from the right. From this form, you can make your selections on the data, who will be notified, and what will be affected. In our case, we’re going to select “Customer Group” from the Field drop-down menu and “has changed” from the Event drop-down menu. From here, you can select if you want to be alerted for Organization-wide changes, all records in Customers, or specific customer records.

There is also an option for setting an end date for the alerts, and you can customize the subject field and message that goes along with the alert. Click OK, and your alert is now active.

Please note that at this time, the alerts only run in batch jobs and will only appear in the Action Center of Dynamics 365. In future updates, we should see email alerts come into the fold.

Check out our video below to see this setup in action.

You can set these alerts up across the system in many different modules and forms within the database. If you have questions on how to set up a specific alert, be sure to ask your system administrator or talk with your Dynamics 365 partner.

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