Microsoft Dynamics 365 Tip of the Week – Relationship Assistant

One underutilized feature of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is its Relationship Assistant from the mobile app. This handy tool is perfect for sales representatives out in the field. Curious how?

By clicking on the “More Options Menu” in the bottom right-hand corner of the app, and tap on “Relationship Assistant.” The action card screen will then pop, which presents information that the user needs to know. If you take a look at a meeting already scheduled and open it, you can immediately see where the meeting is and who is attending. In addition, you can also see any nearby customers in the area.

This is very useful information for sales reps who are primarily mobile and out in the field.

How to Turn on Relationship Assistant

Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can do within the app itself on your own. Your system administrator will need to navigate to the Settings option inside of your Microsoft environment. From there, click on “Intelligence Configuration.” Inside the Sales Configurator tool, there is an option to click on “Relationship Assistant, where you can see all of the base cards that are available. There are configuration options for each card.

If you’re running into issues, click on the Help option and navigate to Action Cards. From there, you can find detailed information about each base card, what their operation is, and how you can configure it for your organization.

Our quick tip video below shows what the Relationship Assistant can do. The video also goes through how your system administrator can set up Relationship Assistant. Of course, if you or your system administrator needs assistance in configuring the Relationship Assistant, be sure to contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner.

Do you think the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Relationship Assistant will help your organization? For other tips and tricks, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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