NetSuite for the CFO and Controller

CFOs and Controllers might not be logging into the system on a day-in and day-out basis. With NetSuite, there are alternative ways users can consume information. CFOs will typically want real-time push notifications to review specific reports. For example, you can open a Budget Vs. Actual Report directly from Outlook without needing to log into the system. With this report in your inbox, you can quickly take a pulse on the Budget vs. Actual Report to determine if you need to reforecast any budgetary figures or postpone a marketing campaign to the following fiscal year.

These reports can be sent to email via inline HTML, so the reports are directly embedded in the email. You can then forward it in this manner to any other end user to get them preview it directly from their inboxes.

CFOs can also set up push notifications for when they need to take action directly on something. For example, directly from an email notification, they can approve or reject a vendor bill that requires their approval. Thanks to the NetSuite mobile app, CFOs can do any of these things anywhere without checking email. They can quickly view anything that’s pending approval, take a look at reminders, help proactively manage any notifications, as well as view a full list of key performance indicators. All of these metrics can be tailored specifically to your organization’s needs.

CFOs and Controllers Using the NetSuite Desktop Application

NetSuite tailors its dashboards to suit the individual roles using it. In this manner, the system is set up to be very intuitive to navigate. It only takes a couple of clicks (and sometimes less!) to immediately generate any report or action in the system. In one click, a Controller can run an income statement. With this setup, it’s easy for CFOs and Controllers alike to access reports in real time within seconds.

Since NetSuite’s data model is built on a unified platform, it allows users to slice and dice this information by a variety of dimensions or attributes of your business. If you have multiple entities, you can go ahead and generate reports by each specific subsidiary or entity. NetSuite updates everything in real time, allowing users to see exactly how you’re trending from one entity to the next. You can also easily switch the view of the report to another dimension, such as class or revenue type. Again, NetSuite updates this information in real time, allowing you to see where your organization is the most profitable in terms of the specific class or revenue type. You can regenerate the report by accounting period as well to analyze and trends.

Within NetSuite, you can export any report you make to Excel or PDF. You can also set a scheduled frequency for auto-pushing the reports to any other user in the organization.

Check out our video below to see how CFOs and Controllers can take advantage of the ease of NetSuite.

Have any other questions about how CFOs and Controllers can use NetSuite? Please contact us at any time!

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