NetSuite Helps You Transition Quickly to a Remote Workforce

For technology-focused companies, like Sikich, the impact of having everyone work remote is extremely manageable. Many of our team members already work from home and are very familiar with the tools to make this efficient, like Microsoft Teams. Therefore, it is second nature and common for us to implement solutions, like NetSuite, while remaining fully remote.

Companies like distributors or manufacturers, clearly, cannot move to a fully remote workforce. However, you can minimize those that need to report to the plant or warehouse if you have the right cloud ERP solution in place, like NetSuite. For companies with a traditional installed client/server ERP system, this is particularly difficult.  It may be possible to have employees work from home and connect remotely. More often than not, this option isn’t always practical as many companies do not have the right IT infrastructure in place, enough laptops for everyone, or proper installed software and virus protection on home computers. Managing the on-premise infrastructure can be another obstacle. If your server goes down or needs maintenance, it will require your IT staff, or remote IT provider to address it.

Fortunately, users of NetSuite, 100% built from day one to work in the cloud with any browser and on any device, makes working from home easy.

Here are just a few ways NetSuite makes a difference:

  1. Being a cloud solution, we can have NetSuite provisioned for you in 24 hours and begin your 100% remote implementation with our experienced team using our robust collaboration tools.
  2. Office workers can work from home. NetSuite is available from any internet-connected device, including your iPad or Android-based device. Salespeople, order entry, customer service, purchasing, and project managers can all work just as effectively from home. They can access everything just as they could from the office.
  3. Everyone knows what to do. NetSuite’s built-in dashboards, reminders, and built-in workflow and approvals ensure that everyone knows what needs to get done.
  4. Built-in eCommerce, Customer Portals, and Vendor Portals allow for you to easily move to a self serve environment where your customers can effortlessly enter their orders, track the progress of their orders and pay outstanding invoices. Your vendors can easily retrieve their purchase orders and provide feedback as to when they will be able to fulfill your order. NetSuite is also multinational ready, so this can even support your international trading partners and supply chain.
  5. Use the new Supply Chain Tower to have quick and deep visibility into demand and supply to make prompt decisions.
  6. Leverage NetSuite industry-based best practices and SuiteSuccess solution packs for rapid remote implementations.
  7. No IT infrastructure to manage. NetSuite was built from day one as a cloud solution and is hosted in robust Oracle datacenters with geo-redundancy.

When trying to contain the spread of diseases like COVID-19, the recommendation from experts is that the more social distancing implemented, the better off your everyone will be. Therefore, Sikich and NetSuite are here and ready to help you transition effectively into a remote workforce.

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