M&D Mini Series: Robotics are Poised for Growth Amid Workforce Issues

Global spending on robotics is expected to reach $87 billion by 2025, up from a previous projection of $67 billion. In many cases, robots are not replacing workers, but actually working alongside them. These collaborative robots, or “cobots,” can perform manual and precision tasks much faster and more consistently than human workers. Freeing workers from physically demanding, repetitive tasks can improve their productivity and job satisfaction.

In fact, much of the growth in the robotics sector is being driven by the seasonal consumer market. A lot of myths still exist around robotics, and many organizations don’t understand how robots work or they believe they’re too costly. “Businesses think buying a robot is a complex technology they can’t handle and a six-figure investment,” says Gregg Hague, partner, Sikich’s Supply Chain group. “You can acquire a simple-to-install robot for under $20,000.”

For more information about the use of robotics in the manufacturing industry, download our 2018 Sikich M&D Report.

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