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Dispute Advisory for Government

Counties, municipalities and agencies are particularly prone to incidents of fraud and employee dishonesty for many reasons that are unique to the government environment. While it is impossible to eliminate all acts of fraud or employee dishonesty, you can install systems that will greatly reduce the likelihood that an employee or vendor will take the risk of being caught. Prepare yourself to quickly and efficiently handle discovered acts in a professional way that protects the parties, handles the emotions and communicates with the public. The goal is to fix the system so that you can do your most important job as a staff or elected member—keep the government functioning and preserve the public’s trust.

Prevent fraudulent activity with the help of Sikich’s professionals who specialize in the unique government environment. By understanding the financial system and the intricacies of relationships among the parties—including the public, forensic professionals help you handle the incident, file the insurance claim and work with legal authorities. Most importantly, you will have the resources to build a stronger organization that moves beyond the incident.

Fraud Incident Management Services

  • Investigation and interviews
  • Vendor and procurement investigation
  • Evidence preservation
  • Insurance claim preparation
  • Liaison with legal authorities

Fraud Prevention Services

  • Internal controls review
  • Controls improvement and implementation assistance
  • IT security services
  • Passwords and encryption assistance
  • Hiring practice review
  • Vendor review and investigation
  • Policies and procedures
  • Training programs
  • Whistle blower system design and implementation

Fraud Investigation for Internal Controls Services

  • Securing and gathering evidence through computer forensics
  • Conducting interviews with witnesses, key stakeholders and potentially, the suspected perpetrator
  • Evaluating systems and procedures to find control weaknesses
  • Recommending ways to improve internal controls to prevent future infractions, including providing human resources and internal technology assistance
  • Training leaders in fraud prevention

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