M&D Mini Series: Time for Action: Systems are Vulnerable to Cyber Threats

IoT connectivity comes with some inherent risks, especially around cybersecurity. As organizations connect more devices, they also increase the security footprint they need to protect.

Organizations can ensure their environments are secure by practicing due diligence when selecting IoT vendors. Manufacturers and distributors should verify that vendors regularly test their devices for vulnerabilities, ideally using an independent testing company. Organizations also should inquire about a device’s ability to receive regular security updates once it’s in service. After installation, security and risk consultants suggest organizations conduct internal testing and continuously monitor their environments for IoT-related risks.

In the event of a security breach, a manufacturer should have an incident response and forensics company on retainer to quickly respond to an incident. It’s also important to have a dedicated security expert who reports to someone outside the conventional IT structure. This dedicated individual could be an in-house resource or an outsourced chief information security officer.

Learn more about cyber threats, what you can do, and what your competitors do to protect themselves in our 2018 Manufacturing & Distribution Report.

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