How to Use the Advanced Warehousing Application More Efficiently for Warehouse Workers

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations can be as frustrating as it is useful when it comes to managing inventory in the warehouse. Its Advanced Warehousing App can make warehouse management and the jobs of warehouse workers quite easy and efficient, but only if you know a certain secret the app holds within.

Whenever a warehouse worker is added to the app, a location is created for that user with a location profile taken from the warehousing parameters set in the app. That’s what it’s supposed to do, right? There’s no big deal about that, and most of the time, it works just fine. However, Sikich’s own ERP consultant Evert Bos explained on the MS Dynamics World blog how this can be a problem.

When we want to be proactive and enthusiastically create warehouse users before we have entered a user default location profile in the warehousing parameters, we have created an unworkable situation. The warehouse worker will not be able to do anything. The user logs into the mobile client, goes through the steps of scanning data and clicking OK, and everything looks fine; but when the mobile step gets to the point of the PICK, the system will send the error:

License Plate Specified on a non-license plate controlled location. Update has been cancelled.

Most of the time, this is an easy fix, but in this particular case, the user location isn’t part of a location profile (which should be the license plate controlled location). In other words, Dynamics can’t discern what location profile the user falls under and thus has no idea what location profile this non-existent user location falls under.

The easiest fix is using the Advanced Warehousing App proactively before adding new workers. By setting up the Warehouse Management Parameters for a particular location profile to encompass all users, all new hires will be added automatically as user locations under that location profile.

Check out Bos’ full blog post for more information on how to set up the Warehouse Management Parameters and fix any location profile errors. If you have additional questions regarding using the Advanced Warehousing App or Dynamics 365 for Operations, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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