NetSuite OneWorld Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

NetSuite’s Advanced PDF/HTML Templates give NetSuite customers advanced capabilities for customizing printed and emailed transactions. NetSuite provides standard templates for each transaction type and these forms serve as a good starting point for developing your own forms.

For OneWorld environments, it is important to note that these forms do not reflect subsidiary information and instead pull certain data points from the company information setup page (i.e. company logo).

The steps below illustrate how to update your forms to pull data from subsidiary records, allowing you to use one form across multiple subsidiaries.

  1. Customization>Forms>Advanced PDF/HTML Template.
  2. Click Customize on the standard template you wish to edit (or edit on an existing custom form).
  3. Switch from WYSIWYG to Source Code.
  4. Use the code ${subsidiary.internalid} when referencing a field from the subsidiary record.
    1. Consider updating the following fields:
      1. Logo
        1. Standard – ${companyInformation.logoUrl}
        2. Updated – ${subsidiary.logo@url}
      2. Company Name
        1. Standard – ${companyInformation.companyName}
        2. Updated – ${}
      3. Company Address
        1. Standard – ${companyInformation.addressText}
        2. Updated – ${subsidiary.mainaddress_text}

To learn more about OneWorld or anything else about NetSuite, please contact us today! You can also learn about more great tips for NetSuite on our YouTube playlist or our other blog posts.

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