Mitigate catastrophe or prolonged outage before it starts
Complete system outage is something IT leaders’ nightmares are made of. It doesn’t matter if it’s a problem with the power grid, a natural disaster or something originating from the more nefarious corners of the internet, having a plan to recover is vital. Without a formalized plan, some companies simply won’t be able to survive the resulting financial and reputation fallout.
How Sikich forms a disaster recovery plan
Backup Solutions
We can create a robust backup solution process focused on recoverability. Whatever your needs or budget, recent technologies make it possible to make complete backups cost efficiently.
Disaster Recovery Planning
We know IT systems and infrastructure are tied to company profitability. If something goes wrong, it affects the bottom line. We’ve worked with countless companies to document a plan that addresses your IT recovery needs today and tomorrow.
Business Continuity
Disaster recovery is how your business will get back on its IT feet. What will happen during the disaster? That’s where we can help businesses create a continuity plan to keep as many operations going as possible.