Advance testing from guesswork to practice

A penetration test simulates an attack on your organization’s network infrastructure or applications. The aim of performing such a test is to determine what attackers can access and what trouble they can cause. By emulating a real-world attacker, we demonstrate where security gaps exist and procedures fail, how much access an attacker could gain, and how you can properly secure your systems.

During these controlled tests, an experienced consultant reviews the security of your network infrastructure and applications, using the same tools and techniques that an attacker would use. Testing can even be performed covertly, without the awareness of the people who manage and operate your systems.

Why Penetration Testing is Important

Penetration testing is one of the most effective forms of security testing because it validates the controls responsible for protecting your network. It will help your organization:

  • Determine the effectiveness of your security controls.
  • Identify weaknesses in those controls.
  • Demonstrate the impact of those weaknesses.

A penetration test reviews both the people and technology aspects of your security program. It evaluates whether firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and other controls are effective and configured correctly to prevent unauthorized access to your systems. The testing also verifies whether all necessary security patches have been applied, as well as whether your IT staff can detect an attack and respond appropriately.

One important value of a penetration test is its ability to demonstrate the potential consequences of any security vulnerabilities. Executives and managers sometimes overlook reports from IT auditors or staff that indicate the damage potential of a malicious attack. The results of a penetration test, however, capture their attention by showcasing how attackers can get into your systems and what they can do there, for instance, taking control of a financial server or stealing sensitive information. This takes security concerns out of the hypothetical level into practical reality.

Our methodology

Unobtrusive and thorough

The proven, flexible methodology used by Sikich provides high-value testing without sacrificing the performance or availability of your systems. Testing comprises several phases:

  • Reconnaissance and discovery
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Attack and penetration

Detailed, actionable reporting

Penetration testing helps you understand and act on the results. We write our reports to meet the needs of your IT department, internal and external auditors, and examiners. We clearly describe the scope of the testing and our methodology, detail test results, and provide recommendations.

Network Testing

In the IT industry, nearly 20 new vulnerabilities caused by a variety of maliciously used or compromised technologies are discovered every day. A network infrastructure test tells you how well your network can prevent intrusions.

Physical Testing

Sikich simulates the steps a real attacker might take when trying to breach your environment. We’ll use multiple methods, including impersonation, shoulder surfing, and even dumpster diving. We then work with the results of this testing to shore up your defenses.

Application Testing

Through web application testing, we help you uncover weaknesses, including those in the Open Web Application Security Project’s Top 10 Web Application Security Risks, that target your data and systems as well as those that are directed at your customers and their web browsers.

Social Engineering

Our security consultants perform several types of social engineering in an attempt to gain sensitive information, including pretend telephone calls and phishing emails. Our testing is designed to uncover threats to your organization resulting from information disclosure, employee misuse, and ineffective management of user credentials.