Quick Path

Build the future you want for your company

Few dispute that one way for the U.S. construction industry to achieve greater efficiency is a greater reliance on prefabricated (prefab) construction. Unfortunately, the convergence of manufacturing and construction disciplines often result in manual, time-consuming back office processes that leave 90% of leaders without the visibility they need to make real-time business decisions.

The flexibility, the resource and cost efficiencies of modular and prefab construction make good business sense. As your firm adapts operations to run more like an Engineer-to-Order business, the ERP and back-office systems designed for a typical construction company may no longer suit your needs.

Sikich construction and ETO consultants can work with you to chart your technology path and design a ERP software system that makes sense for your prefab business. We are proud of our long-standing client relationships in both industries. We also have the change management and technology expertise to reduce the risk and improve the success rate of shifting business models.

Invest in the Technologies that facilitate, and accelerate, your growth

Manufacturing companies typically invest 2 – 3% of revenue on technology, because it is seen as a strategic cornerstone of the business. By contrast, in construction industries, the trends have typically been somewhere between .5 – .75% percent of revenue spent on technology. If you’ve already made a significant investment in your manufacturing operations—factory, machinery, personnel—then it’s time to seriously consider investing in the overlaying technology that’s going to make you successful.

Piecing best-of-breed solutions together will only take you so far before the shoestrings and duct tape begin to unravel. Invest in a purpose-built ERP software solution to streamline your prefab construction processes and improve visibility for better, real-time decision making, for the future of your business.